Week 2

Hello, everyone,

This week we reviewed the basics of generating sound in SuperCollider, in addition to discussing how audio and control rate busses work and touching upon what SynthDefs are. We also went over how to bring up scsynth’s input and output dB meters, its node tree, and how to set up a limiter in order to protect equipment and our delicate hearing from unintentional damage.

Complete notes for the class, including code examples, has been uploaded to the class GitHub repository and can be accessed here.

As we have two weeks until our next session, it is vital that everyone continue to practice and do some supplementary SuperCollider tutorial watching in the interim. I have posted the next three installments of Eli’s tutorial series below (the first of which containing the pulseTest SynthDef we went over in class), and I urge everyone to type along with him as doing so will help to reinforce the concepts being covered in the videos. I have also slightly revised the homework assignment. Instead of separating the assignment into two separate tasks for beginning and intermediate students, I now want everyone to complete what was the entry-level assignment, and for those who want or need further practice, to work on the intermediate-level assignment as best they can. The details for the assignment can be found in the file posted to GitHub, mentioned above.

Once again, we don’t have class next week, so have a happy Easter Sunday and I hope to see you all on the 23rd!

One thought on “Week 2”

  1. What’s the best way to add the limiter?

    I see the code, most of which I understand. However, if I add the limiter first, it throws an error, because the x node (is that the right term?) doesn’t exist until I add _that_ synth. However, it would seem to me that if the limiter is to function as a safety, it needs to be running _before_ I add the sound, right?

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